What is OpSoc?
OpSoc is the Opera Society within the University of Nottingham, established since April 2009. Our third year as a society is set to be full of exciting events, continuing our fantastic productions, brilliant social events and excellent opportunities for all singers!
What productions are we going to do?
We are extremely excited to be performing a brand new opera, composed for us by Nottingham based composer, Alex Patterson! In March we have planned a night of 20th Century Opera, sampling the opera of composers such as Holst and Barber. Finally in June, we have our summer performance of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.There will be many brilliant chances for singers of all levels to get involved and we certainly hope that you’ll enjoy the different events we have to offer this year!
What else will OpSoc be doing?
Along with our weekly group rehearsals, we will be organising singing workshops welcoming all abilities! We will also be organising trips to the opera in Nottingha